Fat Burning Plant Broccoli
Fat Burning Plant Broccoli
The fat burning plant broccoli is low in calories. Diets low in calories will always lose fat. Calorie restrictions and rapid weight loss makes it increasingly difficult to lose more weight as it disrupts your basal metabolic rate. This is why it is important to eat foods low in calories packed with nutrients like broccoli so you are not restricting your calories by also restricting your daily required nutrients.
Broccoli is a Great Fat Burning Plant
Fat burning plant broccoli is great for weight loss because it breaks down fat within the body, burns the fat, and stops new fat from forming because it is rich in fiber, calcium and vitamin c (Willitts).
China and India are The Worlds Largest Suppliers
Broccoli was originally discovered in Italy, coming from the word broccolo, and as of 2019 China was the worlds largest supplier, followed by India who was a close second and both surpassing the third largest supplier, the United States, by a wide margin (Wikipedia Contributors).
Broccoli Reduces The Risk For Ovarian Cancer
Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that contains antioxidants and plant compounds quercetin, kaempferol, carotenoids, indole-3-carbinol, and sulforaphane (Bjarnadottir). Cruciferous vegetables are very rich in glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are phytochemicals, and were studied in 2018 (1950 participants) which discovered them to reduce the risk for ovarian cancer due to the vegetables proven anti-cancer properties.
Quercetin - Quercetin is a flavonoid with many health benefits for the human body. Weight loss properties, superb defenses against cardiovascular disease, cancer, eyes, and a very relevant force for the fight against diabetes.
Kaempferol - Helps prevent cancer, even induces apoptosis in breast and ovarian cancers (Science Direct). Acts as an antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory as well (Chen, Allen Y., and Yi Charlie Chen).
Carotenoids - Foods high in carotenoids like sweet potatoes, pumpkins, collard greens, yellow/orange/red bell peppers prevent malignant tumors from growing.
Indole-3-carbinol - is great at preventing cancer, good for the gut and liver as well (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center). "There is a growing body of evidence from both in vitro and in vivo models that these compounds possess strong potential to prevent several forms of chronic disease such as inflammation, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension, neurodegenerative diseases, and osteoporosis" (Amarakoon et al.).
Sulforaphane - Blocks mutations of DNA that leads to cancers, reduces the risk for metastasis, and reduces inflammation (Alexander). Great at fighting prostate cancer, lowers cholesterol, great for the heart, reduces fasting blood glucose levels, good for the skin, and even improved autism behaviors (https://www.facebook.com/verywell).
The fat burning plant broccoli is packed with nutrients to help burn fat and lose weight. The low calories, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals combined together inside the cruciferous vegetable help provide a powerful fat burning food.
Works Cited
Willitts, Chris. “6 Top Fat-Burning Plant Foods.” Muscle & Fitness, 7 Feb. 2019, www.muscleandfitness.com/nutrition/lose-fat/6-top-fat-burning-plant-foods. Accessed 16 May 2023.Bjarnadottir, Adda. “Broccoli 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits.” Healthline, 2015, www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods/broccoli.
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