Belly Fat Caused by Cytokines

911-Emergency Cure Stubborn Tummy Fat Today

unhealthy eating

Belly fat is an active food source for the organs surrounding your belly like your liver, so the belly constantly sends fat to your liver blocking adiponectin (good hormones in your body that burns fat and lowers blood sugar) and inflames harmful chemicals called cytokines making it difficult to lose weight and harder to lower your blood sugar (Vogel, "What Causes Belly Fat in Women? Doctors Break it Down"). Eating unhealthy leads to an increase in inflammation in your belly which accumulates into the harmful belly fat. 

Drinking too much alcohol can cause an increase in inflammation and liver disease (Cadman). Heavy drinkers usually have excess fat around their bellies. Even if you have a slim waist your waistline may be high in percentage of body fat (Palinski-Wade).

alcoholics fat tummy

Visceral and subcutaneous fat are the most popular forms of fat around the waistline. Visceral fat is more harmful because it lies deep within the abdomen out of reach of human touch, linked to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Harvard Health Publishing).

Subcutaneous fat is the fat you can grab around your thighs, butt, and belly, with too much being unhealthy and a sign you may have visceral fat as well (Cleveland Clinic). According to Dr's from Rush University, a third form of belly flab exists called intramuscular residing inside the skeletal muscles (Germany et al.). 

Dr. Lawrence Cheskin of George Mason University says belly fat is "the most dangerous location to store fat" (Gregory). Fat in the belly is associated with a shorter life and metabolic disease (Scher). You're at risk for different types of cancers, polycystic ovary syndrome, sleep apnea, and even joint pain (Cleveland Clinic). 

Ways To Fight Stubborn Fat in Your Belly

assorted fruits

Aerobic exercise is better than resistance training battling big tummies, but both are important fighters in crushing fatty stomachs (de Lemos).   

Foods Great at Burning Fat Include: (Vogel, "Sick of That Stubborn Bulge around Your Midsection? Stock up on These 40 Belly Fat-Burning Foods")

  • Healthy Foods That Make You Feel Full 
  • High Amounts of Insoluble and Soluble Fiber
  • Pectin 
  • High Amounts of Lignan 
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Monounsaturated Fats
  • Improves Insulin Sensitivity
  • Probiotics
  • 100% Whole Grains
  • High in Potassium
  • High in Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B6
  • Reduce Lipid Accumulation
  • Curcumin
  • Garlic
  • Resveratrol
  • Acetic Acid
  • Water                 

A low-carb diet produced more weight loss than a low-fat diet according to researchers from John Hopkins (Hopkins Medicine). 

motivated exercise

Changing your diet into a fat burning one and adding an exercise regime, will do wonders in eliminating the 3 belly fats from your body. Getting yourself back to a healthy weight should be a top priority since so many health problems arise from having excess weight.

As you age belly bulge increases due to lack of hormone progesterone along with the decrease in muscle mass and ability to burn calories (Bell). According to Dr. Gottfried, older people do not have to accept this increase because they should focus more on fat loss than weight loss (MD). Fat loss concentrates on cutting fat from the body compared with your overall weight of your entire body in regard to weight loss. An AARP article helps people over 50 get rid of stubborn belly fat, mentioning the waistline as your lifeline and stomach fat crushing to your health. 

Eating before you sleep contributes to the excess flab around your waistline and should be eliminated because your body is better at processing food during the day, your stomach will have more time clearing glucose from the blood, which reduces fat storage in your belly (Shapley). 

woman sleeping

You hear about dieting and exercising all the time. The seriousness of it does not sink in for people for some reason. If it did people will change their diet. Dieting will help people feel better, live longer, have better relationships with loved ones, work better, and eliminate the diseases and illnesses related to poor nutrition.

Poor nutrition is like having the aids virus or cancer because as you accumulate bad food over the long term, you're putting yourself at risk for heart disease, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, laziness, and a whole host of other serious ailments. Over half a million deaths related to eating unhealthily happen each year.  

A healthy diet tastes good and should be fun to eat because you're fighting off diseases and illnesses instead of digesting them. 

Works Cited 

Vogel, Kaitlin. “What Causes Belly Fat in Women? Doctors Break It Down.” Parade: Entertainment, Recipes, Health, Life, Holidays, 5 Aug. 2022, Accessed 7 Dec. 2022.

Cadman, Bethany. “What Causes Belly Fat and 7 Ways to Lose It.”, 5 Jan. 2020,

Harvard Health Publishing. “Abdominal Fat and What to Do about It - Harvard Health.” Harvard Health, Harvard Health, 9 Oct. 2015,

Cleveland Clinic. “Subcutaneous Fat: What You Need to Know about the Fat beneath Your Skin.” Cleveland Clinic, 7 Aug. 2022,

Bell, Alex. “Belly Bulge: Causes and Treatments.”, 14 Oct. 2020, Accessed 7 Dec. 2022.

MD, Sara Gottfried. “Belly Fat: Why Fat Accumulates as You Age and How to Reduce It.” Sara Gottfried MD, 4 Jan. 2022, Accessed 7 Dec. 2022.

Hopkins Medicine. “8 Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Live a Healthier Life.”,

Shapley, Haley. “5 Ways to Lose Belly Fat, according to Experts.” Forbes Health, 22 July 2022, Accessed 7 Dec. 2022.

Germany, Judy, et al. “Losing Belly Fat.”,

Palinski-Wade, Erin. “What Is Belly Fat?” Dummies, 26 Mar. 2016, Accessed 7 Dec. 2022.

Gregory, Brielle. “Weight Loss Experts Share the Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat for Good.” Prevention, 15 Mar. 2022,

Vogel, Kaitlin. “Sick of That Stubborn Bulge around Your Midsection? Stock up on These 40 Belly Fat-Burning Foods.” Parade: Entertainment, Recipes, Health, Life, Holidays, 13 Oct. 2022, Accessed 7 Dec. 2022.

de Lemos, Dr. James. “Why Belly Fat Is Dangerous and How to Control It | Diet and Nutrition | Heart | UT Southwestern Medical Center.”, 16 Dec. 2020,

Scher, Dr Bret. “How to Lose Belly Fat.” Diet Doctor, 17 June 2022, Accessed 8 Dec. 2022.

Cleveland Clinic. “10 Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat for Good.” Cleveland Clinic, 5 Apr. 2022, Accessed 8 Dec. 2022.


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