Coca Leaves Positives and Negatives

coca leaves
Image by Loggawiggler by Pixabay

Coca Leaves Health Benefits

Coca Leaves have many health benefits for the body and contain numerous nutrients like phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamins (A, B2, E) (Dr. Health Benefits). The cocaine found in coca leaves is not addictive nor as strong as the coke distributed as an addictive drug (Dr. Health Benefits). Cocaine has a reputation for being so harmful for the body. In its most natural form within the coca leaf, cocaine is very beneficial for the human body

Research studies from The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse have also concluded that coca could be used to treat gastrointestinal issues, depression, help with exercising, and for losing weight (Weil). Obviously another positive for coca leaves. Large doses of coca produce negative mental behaviors leading to addiction which continues to deteriorate the mental state as the coca abuse continues (Ortiz). Probably why a lot of homeless people and very poor people seem to always be mentally off whenever you interact with them or happen to overhear them.  

100g of Coca Leaves is Safe for the Human Body

the human body
Image by julianobandoarenas by Pixabay

Dr's appear to be conflicting each other, and at the same time they do not appear to be. Dr's from Dr Health Benefits promote coca leaves without any side effects. Another Dr. from Peru show cocaine from coca leaves becoming addictive. The study from Peru was done in 1952 which was before the cocaine and crack epidemic of the 80's. The cocaine from the coca leaves is definitely different from the cocaine delivered on the street however it's base is from the coca leaf. The study from 1952 does mention large doses of coca leaves and the study from Dr. Health Benefits mentions consuming 100g of coca leaves a day is very nutritional, even goes on to mention that it can supply the bodies nutritional needs for the entire day, and safe for the body without addiction. I am assuming the addictive qualities come higher than the 100g, what amount that is I have yet to find. 

The Historical Crack Decision

crack cocaine needles

Crack became an epidemic in the 80's because cocaine supply was at an all-time high with sales declining (Ark Behavioral Health). Dealers figured out to combine free base cocaine with baking soda turning it into crystals that had a cracking sound when smoked, becoming cheaper and highly addictive at the same time (Ark Behavioral Health). Imagine if dealers did not decide to do this. Cocaine might have died out or remained a high-class drug with prices even higher than usual since demand was low. A huge generational epidemic in the low-income communities would not have been created since crack did not exist. The black community kept the flow of cocaine going in the United States, keeping the prices at reasonably levels for dealers and users of cocaine before it became crack for low-income blacks. 

Ending The Cocaine Epidemic 

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The coca plant is located in Africa, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and Northern South America (Brittanica). Sometimes the plant has a reputation of growing exclusively in South America, in particular Columbia. Hopefully both crack and cocaine leave the world as a recreational drug and coca leaves become more researched for medical uses. I do not think this dream is far-fetched either since the technology, law enforcement, and military power is definitely capable of overthrowing the drug organizations who have far less firepower and technological advancements. 

The world needs to become addicted to love as I feel in my heart this lack of love that spreads across all races, and of all incomes, leads to addictions to drugs and other things even though love is what men and women truly want the most.  


Works Cited

Dr. Health Benefits. “12 Scientific Health Benefits of Coca Leaf - Anaesthetic - Bones.”, 30 Mar. 2017, Accessed 28 Nov. 2022. 

Brittanica. “Coca | Plant | Britannica.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 2019,

Weil, Andrew T. “Coca Leaf as a Therapeutic Agent.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, vol. 5, no. 1, Jan. 1978, pp. 75–86, 10.3109/00952997809029262. Accessed 14 Oct. 2020.

Ortiz, Dr Vincente. “UNODC - Bulletin on Narcotics - 1952 Issue 2 - 008.” United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime, 1 Jan. 1952,

Ark Behavioral Health. “Crack Epidemic & the History of Crack Cocaine.” ARK Behavioral Health,


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